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Welcome to
Preble County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


1875 Directory of
Pg. 153
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)



     The county seat is situated upon the east bank of Seven Mile Creek, and is arranged very early in the form of a square, excepting its meandering boundary on the west, it being limited in that direction by the stream.   It is twenty-four miles west of Dayton, forty-six miles west of north of Cincinnati, and about sixteen southeast of the city of Richmond, Indiana, it being connected with the latter city as well as with Dayton, by turnpikes.  The Cincinnati, Richmond & Chicago Railroad runs through the eastern part of the Village, and near this railway are located two planing mills and two grain and produce ware-houses.
     There are a number of fine edifices and attractive business houses, the following comprising a partial list;  Town Hall, M. E. Church, Minor's Block, Stephen's Block, Commercial Row and Odd Fellows' Building.  All of these would be deemed creditable structures if located in any of the larger cities in the State
     The original plat of the Town was acknowledged by William Bruce, Feb. 20, 1806.  From the notes explanatory of the Town of Eaton, on file in the Recorder's office, the following extracts are made:
     "Seventh. - The squares marked A, B, C, and D, are twelve poles square.  'A' is for the purpose of building a Court House on, and other public buildings for the sue of the County; 'B,' for an academy and school-house for the Township; 'C' and 'D,' for churches or meeting-houses - to be divided in lots, similar in all respects to those on the plat; and each and every congregation within the Town and County that will hereafter be organized, and will build a good house for public worship on the s
ame, shall have one; the first congregation to have choice of lots, adn so on.  They are not to be occupied for burying grounds."
     "Eighth. - The lot marked 'E,' is for a burying ground; to be divided into six equal parts, by lines drawn from east to west.  The northern lot shall be for the use of strangers and persons belonging to no regular congregation; the other five for the use of the first congregations who may build meeting-houses in Eaton.  The first congregation shall have choice, and so on."
                                                           Wm. BRUCE."
     The lot marked "A," has been used as Mr. Bruce intended it, county buildings having been erected thereon.  The lot "B," twelve poles square, immediately north of "A," now has a number of business houses upon it, among others Minor's Block  Thus it appears that an academy was never built upon it.  The store and dwelling house of H. Vanausdal, Esq., is situated upon a part of lot "C," and the grocery building of Longnecker & Son on a corner of lot "D," the last two lots having been intended for church purposes.  How it happened that three of the four lots were used for other purposes than those designated by Mr. Bruce, is unknown to the writer.
     There were two cabins built about the same time.  It is difficult to determine which was built first, but from the best evidence that can be gathered, there is little doubt but that John Mills built the first house (cabin) in Eaton.  It was erected on the lot afterwards owned by General Marsh, north-west corner of Main and Beech  streets.  According to a description of it, written some years since, it was eighteen by twenty feet, constructed of unhewn logs notched at the ends and made to fit nicely.  It was covered with clapboards or slabs three or four feet in length.  The first course rested against a log called an "east pole."  This log was placed so as to prevent the boards from slipping off.  Each course was held in place by a "weight pole."  The floor was made of puncheons or slabs split from logs, and long enough to reach across the cabin.  On either side was cut out a door, and the shutter or door proper was made of puncheons, and hung on wooden pins or hinges.  The writer stated that when the door was opened or closed it would make a noise "equal to a cider mill in distress."  A leather or raw-hide string was fasthened to the wooden latch or passed.  above through a hole in the door, thus enabling a person on the outside to raise the latch and open the door.  At night latch-strings of cabin were pulled in, and were thus locked.  This way of locking gave rise to that proverbial phrase: "You will always find the latch string out," which is considered as indicative of hospitality.  For windows, logs were chopped off which left square holes.  These were covered with tanned skins of "varmints" and admitted sufficient light for ordinary purposes.  A great part of one end of the cabin was left open for a fire place, and the chimney was built of wooden pieces and mod.  The following may be considered as nearly a correct representation of the building, although the wood-cut was not originally designed to represent it.


     A number of log domicils were constructed in the same or in a similar manner to the one above described, and the new village steadily advanced in wealth and improvements.  The first store was established by Cornelius Vanausdal in 1806 or 7, the first hotel by David E. Hendricks in the Spring of 1806, and the first Court of Common Pleas was held on the 23d of August, 1808, about two and a half years after the acknowledgment of the town plat by Wm. Bruce.  In the edition of "Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer," published after the year 1850, a description of Eaton is given, of which the following is a part:

     It is situated in a rich farming country and is well supplied with water power.  A college is about being established at this place.  It contains four churches, one bank, two newspaper offices, A Union school and a woolen factory.  Population in 1850, 1,346; in 1853, about 1600.
     In "Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio " published in 1849, occurs the following:

     "The village contains one Presbyterian, one Methodist and one Public church; one book, two grocery and four dry goods stores; one or two newspaper printing offices, one woolen factory, one sawmill, and has about 1,000 inhabitants."

     We may conclude from the above descriptions that Eaton did not advance with a mushroom growth, but that it steadily increased in wealth and population, to correspond with the development of the resources of the adjacent and remote parts of the County.  It now contains six churches, nearly twenty grocery stores, two banks two newspaper printing offices, a sufficient number of dry-goods stores, and a "small brigade" of ministers, lawyers, physicians, editors, teachers, printers, and "wise men" in general.  Probably no county seat in the State of Ohio, with about the same number of inhabitants, surpasses it in elegant and comfortable residences, well graded adn lighted streets, and the excellence of its school system.


     From estate of Henry Monfort - plat recorded Aug. 10, 1850
     Levin T. McCabe's - laid off June 12, 1852.
     Cornelius Vanausdal's - plat recorded Sept. 19th, 1853.
     Ellis Minshalls - plat recorded April 23d, 1855.
     "North Eaton."  Dedication by E. J. Gilmore received for record April 3d, 1866.
     By Solomon Banta and John Aukerman, "Executors of John Aukerman Sr., deceased."  Plat acknowledged May 13, 1857.
     "Eastern Suburb of Eaton," by J. D. Miller, W. A. Cleveland, Jacob Chaners, Eli Thompson and Andrew Coffman.  Plat acknowledged Jan. 15, 1857.
     By C. F. Brooke, George Waggoner, Peter Smith and others,  Plat filed for record October 23, 1871.
     Addition by Executors of Cornelius Vanausdal's estate.  Laid out in 1873.
Addition in same year by C. Street, Benjamin Homan, A. A. A. Seibert and others.  Deem's two additions in 1874, and A. Meharry's in 1875.

Village Government.   Agent C. R. & C. R. R.  Hook and Ladder Co.

Mayor -
     - Jacob H. Foos
Clerk -
     - W. H. Ortt
Marshal -
     - M. Ryan
Council -
     - J. L. Chambers,
     - Thos. Fulton
     - Mich'l Filbert
     - S. H. Hubbell
     - W. C. M. Brookins,
     - James Gable
School Trustees -
     - C. M. Brookins
     - C. F. Brooke
     - John V. Campbell
     - Jehu W. King
     - Wm. C. Huston
     - Rob't Miller
Street Com'r -
     - Benj. Neal Jr.
     - Methodist Episcopal
     - Presbyterian
     - Baptist
     - Catholic
     - Christian
     - Universalist
     - Benjamin Neal
Clerk -
     - H. R. Campbell
Secret Societies.
     - Masons
     - Masonic Chapter
     - Odd Fellows
     - Odd Fellows' Encampment
     - Odd Fellows' Degree of Rebecca
     - Red Men
     - Womens' Temperance League
Agent C. R. & C. R. R.
     - S. S. Dix
Baggage Master
     - Levi Harris
Fire Department.
Chief -
     - J. A. Hubbell
Engine Company.
Captain -
     - J. A. Hubbell
Engineer -
     - L. H. Zeek
Sec'y -
     - W. H. Stephen
Treas. -
     - Benj. Neal
Engine Firemen -
     - W. Hambidge
     - Peter Balser
     - John H. Butler
     - A. A. Churchill
     - Thomas Fulton
     - Andrew Fisher
     - David Fisher
     - David Kuntz
     - George Krug
     - Marks Nation
     - James Potterf
     - Jacob Weiss
     - Elias Weiss
     - Frank Warner
Hose Company.
     - A. W. Carrol
     - A. D. Achey
     - George Boner
     - W. D. Clear
     - Millard Clear
     - F. Fisher
     - Johnson Hume
     - James Ortt
     - Frand Rhea
     - Morris Sturm
Hook and Ladder Co.
     - W. McCabe.
     - E. Albert
     - Ory Jefferson
     - James McCabe
Lighters of Street Lamps
     - Elias Weiss
     - Jacob Weiss
Lighters of Street Lamps
     - Elias Weiss
     - JAcob Weiss
Eaton Cornet Band
Leader -
     - C. Churchill
     - Edward Lockwood
     - A. A. Churchill
     - S. W. Lockwood
     - W. H. H. Eson
     - J. H. Tizzard
     - Oliver Foutz
     - W. B. Robinson.
     - Mich'l Lally
     - Ory Donahue
     - Nelson Potterf
     - Ory Jefferson
     - Richard Lockwood
     - W. H. Ortt
     - Marion Smith
     - Nathaniel Lockwood
     - J. Collett, M. Episcop'l
     - A. J. Reynolds, Presbyterian
     - Z. T. Sullivan, Christian
     - B. J. George, Baptist
     - Father Bow, Catholic
     - Hiram Johnson, M. E. Local
Life Ins. Agent
     - G. W. Isaminger
     - Register
          - W. F. Albright & Co., Proprietors;
          - Robert Williams, Jr.,  J. T. Miller, Editors
     - Democrat -
          - L. Gould, Editor
First National -
     - C. F. Brooke, Cash'r;
     - J. A. Dusang, Teller
Preble County -
     - H. C. Hiestand, Cash'r;
     - Andrew Hiestand,
     - W. B. Tizzard, J. P. Acton, J. H. Foos, Proprietors
Jackson House,
     - J. T. Jackson
Eaggle Hotel,
     - George Lockwood
Union House,
     - M. McLoughlin
     - I. C. Abbott
     - Campbell & Gilmore.
          - John V. Campbell
          - James A. Gilmore
     - W. J. Gilmore
     - Foos & Fisher
          - J. H. Foos,
          - Elam Fisher
     - Jehu W. King
     - Hubbard & Freeman
          - Benj. Hubbard,
          - I. E. Freeman
     - Abner Haines Sr.
     - Winfield Freeman
     - Miller & Harris
          - R. Miller
          - A. L. Harris
     - Robert W. Quinn
Land Agent.
     - Geo. D. Hendricks
     - Emma Anderson
     - W. L. Shaw
     - Sarah Crume
     - Mary Tingle
     - Mary Show
     - Minnie Rensman
     - Frank Thompson
     - Abel Risinger
     - P. Gardner
Fire Ins. Agents.
     - Beatty & Holt
     - J. R. Beatty,
     - M. L. Holt.
     - D. B. Holmes
     - S. S. Dix
     - David Peters
Clothing Stores
     - J. Woerner
     - C. P. Thum
     - Morris Sturm
     - M. Filbert
Drug Stores
     - J. P. Brookins & Son
          - J. P. Brookins,
          - W. C. M. Brookins
     - V. W. Lake
     - Michael & Son
          - Fred. Michael
          - F. M. Michael
Clerks and Druggists.
     - S. H. Hubbell
     - John W. Fowble
     - G. W. Daugherty.
     - E. H. Allison
Manufacturer & Deler in Medicines    
     - Dr. A. A. Stokes
Stoves and tinware.
     - J. N. Lake & Co.
     - J. N. Lake
     - P. McCabe;
     - W. P. McCabe, Busienss Manager
     - T. A. McCabe, M. Burnett.
     - Roddie Reyolds -
               - Employes:
                 David Boner,
                 Isaac Lanning
Surgeon Dentists.
     - A. A. Churchill.
     - S. D. Tuttle
     - John H. Brucek
     - W. M. Cambell
     - A. H. Stephens
     - M. F. Thoas
     - P. M. Small
     - James L. Quinn
     - James B. Quinn
     - William Carter
     - Robert Degroot
     - Abner Dunlap
     - William Flagg
     - Levi Gard
     - Jacob May
     - Charles Street,
     - Job Jefferson
     - Daniel Harshman.
     - John Halderman
     - Elijah Trussell,
     - A. H. Meharry

Dry Goods.
     - Andrew Coffman
     - John T. Deem
     - M. F. Stephens
     - Wm. M> Wilson
     - Vanausdal & Co.
Jewelers & Silversmiths
     - C. G. Schlenker
     - Jacob Chambers
     - Dix Hendricks
Saw Mill
     - Wheeler Farm
     - Isaac Heywood
     - G. H. Eidson & Bro
     - A. J. Kepler & Bro.
     - L. Longnecker & Son
     - Rhea & Kelly
     - Fisher & Son
     - Solomon Lander
     - B. Darragh
     - Jacob Bender
     - Wm. A. Bloomfield
     - Boner  & Miler
     - W. C. Huston & Co.
     - James Allison
     - Ira Goodwin
     - Jones Brothers
     - Young & Coovert

     - N. R. Elliott
     - J. Bulger
     - J. P.Harshman
     - J. H. Harbaugh
     - Rossman & Hambidge
     - Warren Jefferson
Cigar Manufacturers.
     - Ayers & Filbert
     - Wilson & Thompson
     - Quinn & Klinger
     - R. M. Quinn
     - C. W. Acton
     - Sturr & Longnecker
Employes of Ayers & Flbert
     - J. H. Loehman
     - Marion Sliver
     - Thomas F. Welsh
     - James Kenyon.
     - Fred Jones
     - M. J. Lalley
     - Ollie Filbert
     - Harman Hutte
     - James Holihan
     - C. D. Torrence
     - Chas. Ressler
     - A. C. Stipher
     - Chas. Rudy
     - John Reid
     - John Stover
     - Andrew Butler
     - Chas. Butler
     - Wm. Brown
     - Maggie Riley
     - Mattie Runyan
     - Nan Achey
     - Phelina Lock
Employes of Quinn & Klinger
     - H. Bieman
     - Chas. Irvin
     - Sweney Hubbell
     - John Clawson
     - Wm. Watters.
     - David Dorsett
     - Kline Early
     - Wm. Butler
     - Wm. Writer
     - Wesley Johnson
     - Thos. Davis
     - George Show
     - Frank Butler
     - Amos Bostick
     - Sallie Bostick
     - Emma Kinsey
     - Christian Smith
     - Cal Gift
     - John Simpson
     - Wm.Harris
     - Lewis Fudge
Employes of Wilson & Thompson
     - Samuel Lockwood
     - F. L. Morgan
     - William Millar
     - Frank Wilson
     - Charles Engle
     - John Butler
     - Walter Bunting
     - Dan Early
     - R. L. Sturgeon
     - Mike Dutsch
     - Burny Hausfelt
     - George Erbin
     - Johnnie Kelmmer
     - Horry Zeek
     - Frank Zeek
Employes of R. M. Quinn
     - Joseph H. Quinn
     - Charles F. Quinn
     - William F. Quinn
     - John Schaedler
     - Frank Brown
     - Ida B. Smiley
     - Laura Quinn
     - Jacob Winters
     - Leva T. Smiley
Employes of Sturr & Longnecker
     - Dora Acton
     - Everett Acton
     - William Gressinger
Employes of C. W. Acton
     - Ella Fisher
     - Emma Clear
     - Wesley Johnson
     - Geo. Winters
     - Wm. Woods
     - Mary Ashinger
     - Thomas Davis
     - Emma Simpson
     - Margeret Been
House & Sign Painters
     - Saml Mclean
House Painters & Contractors
     - Joseph Achy
     - William Pryor
     - Felix M. Green
     - Homer Larsh
     - John Harshman
     - Jeremiah Guild
     - George Bunting
     - John Nourse
     - H. Donahoe
     - Charles Lanius
     - Ephraim Mikesell
     - Millard Green
     - Thomas Brown
     - William Layman
     - John Layman
     - Martin Shewmon
     - Walker Halm
     - Millard Whitmore
     - Theodore Ware
     - Samuel Matlock
     - Henry Gable
     - John Hickman
Preble Machine Works.
     - Robinson, Chambers & Co
Engineer -
     - D. C. Clear
     - B. F. Starks
     - Robt. Elliott
     - C. Emlet
     - Frank Rinehart
     - Andrew Fisher
     - John Lemon
     - Jacob Sturr
     - Lot Runyan
     - Daniel Loy
Eaton Planing Mills.
     - L. & J. Gabel
Cigar Box Manufactory
     - J. M. Smith
     - Lillie Murphy
     - Lydia Cleveland
     - Lizzie Clawson
     - Alice Clawson
Dealers in Lumber
     - Acton & Deem
     - L. & J. Gabel
     - Robinson, Chambers & Cc.
Furniture Dealers & Undertakers
     - Benj. Darragh
     - G. W. Churchill
     - Phillip Smith & Co.
     Employees of G. W. Churchill
         Charles Churchill
         Wilson Runyan.
Marble Dealers.
     - B. H. Wellinghoff & Co.
          D. Monfort
     - B. P. Millam & Son
Clothing Merchants.
     - M. filbert
     - Morris Sturm
     - Joseph Woerner
     - C. P. Thum
     - Wm. Engle
     - C. P. Thum
     - Jacob Weiss
     - L. H. Zeek
     - David C. Clear.
     - Frank Smith
     - Charles Bond
     - John Christman
     - Duncan Shealor
     - Thomas Bristol
     - William Walters
Carpenters  & Contractors
     - Carrol & McCabe
     - Hubbell & Elliott
     - Morton & Nurse
     - L. & J. Gable
     - N. Wells
     - Wm. Clayton
     - Robinson, Chmbers, & Co.
     - J. Bulger
     - Philip Baker
     - Robert Morgan
     - Sam'l Matlack
     - U. V. Ryan
     - Geo. Boner
     - Webster Day
     - Frank Starks
     - Benj. Cleveland
     - F. Rhinehart
     - John Gift
     - John Kinsey
     - Nelson Well
     - Wm. Murphy
     - Henry Shearer.
     - Morgan Huffman
     - P. Balser
     - John Leihman
     - Geo. Leihman
     - Moses Nelson
     - Wilbur Nelson
     - Nelson Potterf
     - A. S. Booker
     - E. Michael
     - Bonaker & Booker -
          - Jos. Bonaker,
          - John Booker
     - Fleming & Cox.
          - B. N. Fleming,
          - J. H. Cox
     - John Luenberger
          - G. Peters
          - G. Smith
     - Thomas Fulton
          - J. Hume,
          - Thos. Fulton, Jr.
Wagon Makers,
     - A. Cohee
     - Peter Smith
Carriage Manufactur's
     - Kester & Lange
          - Smiths,
          - G. Klinger and
          - John Ahler;
          - C. Bauman;
          - W. Hillerd
     - John S. Ortt
          - Trimmer,
               - Wm. H. Ortt;
          - painters,
               - J. Miller,
               - D. Sharkey;
          - smith
               - J. E. Ortt,
          - helper,
               - J. H. Hahn;
          - wood-worker,
               - Jacob Stock
Grain Dealers.
     - J. L. Quinn & Son
          - Assistant,
               - W. Swain.
     - W. C. Huston & Co. -
          - M. Thompson;
               - Wm. Krug
     - Cook & Miller -
          - P. Cook,
          - J. D. Miller

Dealers and Workmen in Cut Limestone.
     - Brannan & Trunk -
          - T. Brannan,
          - T. Trunk
          - H. Brannan,
          - Adam Trunk
Boarding Houses.
     - Mrs. Herrlick
     - Mrs. Gans
     - Mrs. Lizzie Ressler
     - Mrs. Jennie Show
     - Mrs. Miller
Livery & Feed Stables.
     - John Cox -
          - John Wooster
     - Oxer & Wyatt -
          - D. Oxer, M. Wyatt.
          - J. Jacoby
          - L. Johnson.
          - Geo. Waggoner
     - Waters & Wesco -
          - A. Waters,
          - R. Wesco
          - John Loster,
          - Carrie Loster
     - Rossman and Hambidge,
          - P. Balser.
Boots & Shoes Makers
     - J. H. Huttee
     - George G. Krug
     - G. Lock
     - Barnhart Brost.
     - Frank Benning.
     - John Fitzmorris.
     - Henry Crist.
     - George Truitt.
     - F. Michael
     - R. Lockwood.
     - Robert Clayton.
     - Alonzo Runyan.
     - J. L. Lockwood.
     - Edward Lanning.
     - S. Lockwood.
     - John Filbert.
     - John Brandenburg.
     - Edward Lockwood Jr.
     - Peter Comfort
     - Christopher Brown.
     - Oliver Lay
     - W. E. Filbert.
Repairers of Sewing Machines.
     - Albert Boner.
     - Wm. M. Morrow.
Lamp and Lamp Goods.
     - W. Skardon.
Harness and Saddlery.
     - James H. Tizzard.
     - A. A. Seibert
     - John Ruppell Jr.
     - Horn & Cleveland -
          - B. S. Horn,
          - W. O. Cleveland
Harness Makers.
     - John Frame.
     - Wm. Seibert.
     - John  Kriegenhoefer.
     - George Tucker.
     - Henry Rinehart
Merchant Tailors.
     - John A. Crouse
     - C. P. Thum.
     - J. Woerner.
     - M.Filbert.
     - Wm. Engle.
     - Ephraim Mikesell.
     - Cornelius Kief.
     - William Oeffinger.
     - Cornelius Ryan
     - Eli Fisher
     - Benjamin Homan
Drygoods Clerks.
     - G. W. Nelson
     - John T. HOlmes
     - A. C. Leas.
     - Jos. W. Coffman
     - Albert Deem.
     - Joseph Deem.
     - Levi Risinger
     - C. M. Thomas
     - G. P. Earley
     - Peter S. Miller
     - Michael Ryan
Grocery Clerks.
     - Deem Achey
     - Wm. Straw
     - Frank Jones
     - John White
     - Horace Bonner
     - Frank F. Rhea
Stone Masons.
     - J. Bringman
     - Patrick Malone
     - P. Cuppy
     - Jos. Trunk
     - Thos. Brannan
Brick Masons.
     - Marks Nation
     - Frank Nation
     - C. Cuppy
     - J. Bringman
     - C. Monasmith
     - Charles Monasmith
     - Franzado Fisher
     - H. Nation
     - Levi Sliver
     - S. Sliver
     - David Clear
     - E. C. Albright
     - Rob't Jones.
     - James Sliver.
     - Jos. Waters
     - John Sliver
     - George Tittle
     - Geo. Boyer, Attend't.
     - Bones & Myler
     - Eidson & Degroot -
          - G. H. Eidson,
          - A Degroot
Hardware Clerks.
     - Henry Degroot
     - John White
     - Horace Bonner.
Pump Makers.
     - J. Foreman.
     - D. Wagner.
     - W. Bostick
Pump Dealers
     - John Neal
     - J. Foreman
Butchers and Stock Dealers.
     - D. Koontz.
     - Peter Haber
     - James Show
     - John Frazier.
     - N. Stephens.
     - D. W. Evans.
     - J. T. Stephens.
     - Jos.Show.
     - John Show, Sr.
     - John Shoe, Jr.
     - John Bostick.
     - George Saul.
     - Jos. Show, Jr.
     - Ira Goodwin.
     - Calvin Goodwin.
     - Jacob Ashinger.
     - Philip Heflinger
Music Dealer.
     - Daniel Wikle Jr. -
          - William Stroud
     - W. F. Albright
     - Riner Albright
     - Ezra C. Albright
     - Emma J. Albright
     - Levi Gould
     - Ida Holiehan
     - Thomas T. Stroud
     - Henry Straw
     - J. W. B. Siders
     - Geo. Mehaffy
     - Frank Tizzard
     - Wm. B. Tizzard
Horse Trainers and Dealers.
     - Isaac Smith
     - James B. Stevens
Sewing Machines.
     - Wm. M. Morrow
     - Daniel Wikle Jr.
Mrllinery Stores.
     - A. G. Harlan
          - Miss Nurse.
     - Eliza J. Atwood - Ass't.
     - Miss J. Johnson
     - Miss R. A. Gray - Ass't.
     - Miss M. Revel
     - Willie Worrell
     - Mrs. Heywood
     - Pat Donahoe
     - John Stroble
     - Frank Truax.
     - Wm. Loy
     - John Loy
     - Samuel Shields
     - James Potter.
     - Reuben Bulger,
     - Robert Goings
     - J. M. Billingsley
     - Alfred Smith
     - Charles Baily
     - Lafayette Sharp
     - James Ayers.
     - Ephraim Bunton
     - Millard Clear
     - Geo. Clatterbuck
     - harvey Huffman.
     - Wm. Krug
     - Tim Kelley
     - Michael Kennedy
     - Michael Karns
     - John Klemmer
     - James McNeal
     - Mat Miller
     - William Miller
     - Mathias Riley
     - ____ Riley
     - Pat Slammon
     - John Shelter
     - Wm. H. Stephen
     - Adam Short
     - Jeremiah Simpson
     - Jacob Wisemiller
     - ____ Warner
     - Chales Walker
     - Pat Welsh
Janitor, School Building.
     - Charles Walker
     - Samuel Miller
     - ____ Acton
     - Wm. Conrad
     - Thos. Garrison
     - John Reichel
     - F. Smiley




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