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Newspaper Excerpts

Source: Lowell Daily Citizen and News
Dated: Dec. 5, 1874

     A correspondent of the Toledo Blade, writing from Antwerp, Ohio, says: "Last week some bridge builders who are building a bridge between Charlock and St. Andrews, in digging for a solid foundation for one of their abutments, came cross the skeleton of an Indian of gigantic size.  They measured the bone of the foreleg by that of the tallest man among the party, but it out measured his by about five inches.  The skull was large and well preserved.  With the skeleton were buried two knives, a spear-head and a very handsome pipe carved from red and white stone, and perfectly preserved."
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page: 7
Dated: July 24, 1893
Paulding Visited by a Disastrous Blaze - Half the Business Portion of the Town in Ruins.
(Special to the Plain Dealer)
     Paulding, July 23. - A disastrous fire nearly destroyed the town this morning.  It originated at 3:15 in a small shed back of the Famous clothing house.  The flames spread rapidly and in a very short time the whole block was on fire.  From here the flames reached across Perry street to the row of frame buildings and in a short time everything was burned clean east to and including the ___ Deposit bank block.
     From here the fire communicated with the elegant new Hotel Barnes, which was to have been opened to the public Monday.  At this juncture the Van Wert fire department arrived, but fate was against them as the cistern gave out and a move to the river was necessary, and by the time water was again being thrown by the Van Wert engine the flames had gained such headway that the building could not be saved.
     Those burned out are as follows:  John Brewer, store and residence; C. A. Brewer, ice house; John Brewer, saloon; W. F. Straw, frame occupied by W. A. Savage, grocery; J. P. Gasser, two-story frame building; V. V. Pursel, frame occupied by postoffice and Ben Tapsico, barber; frame occupied by A. G. Snow's drug store and Winter Bros., photographers; frame occupied by T. B. Rogers, barber shop; Gilbert Barnes, two story frame occupied by George Shicer; cigar manufactory and residence, occupied by L. A. Keckler; J. E. Dell, butcher shop; Alkney block, occupied by Dixon Brothers' saloon; Gilbert Barnes building, occupied by Frank Kem____   loon, P. W. Stumm's law office and ____ ___& Landi's livery stable; J. C. Rice __m Co., agricultural implements; G. Barnes building, G. E. Coon's meat market, F. ___ BAshor, brick building; L. R. Thompson's brick occupied by John Kinsey, saloon and F. G. Huston's insurance agency; __inn_ & Barness brick building, stock of drugs and wall paper; Paulding Deposit bank and bank fixtures, E. K. Shuster's law office; D. W. Young, furniture store; J. P. Gasser, building occupied by the Famous clothing house and merchant tailoring establishment; A. ___ boot and shoe store; W. S. Trine's carriage store; L. C. Talbot's barber shop and Frank Windate's feed store; Cumen & Richards' biulding, occupied by the Florentine hotel, and owned by S. L. French; Paulding opera house, owned by Mrs.. A. Mann; Bett's hotel building, owned by R. B. ReidDr. W. H. Montgomery building; Allen Bybee, building and stock of harness; the new Hotel Barnes building, owned by Gilbert Barnes, and the residence occupied by Marshal J. A. Thompson.
Source: Repository (Canton, OH) Page: 2
Dated: July 25, 1893
Fire Work Great Damage in the town of Paulding.
     PAULDING, O., July 25. - Fifteen minutes to four o'clock on Sunday morning the most terrible conflagration that over visited this town broke out in a shed in the rear of the "Famous" clothing hose.  All the buildings on that square being frame, the fire spread with lightning rapidity and extended across Perry street in the row of frame buildings, and in a short time everything was licked clean east to the Paulding deposit bank block.  Here the flames were checked for a time, but it seemed as though the block was doomed, as the intense heat from across the street north and the flames from the west leaped all around the handsome block and nothing could have saved it.  From here the fire communicated with the elegant new Hotel Barnes, which was to have been opened to the public Monday.
     At this juncture the Van Wert fire department arrived and with their steamer commenced to get control of the fire; but fate was against them, as the cistern gave out and a move to the river was necessary, which took considerable time, and by the time water was again being thrown by the Van Wert engine the flames had gained such headway that the building could not be saved.
     The Paulding steamer and hand engines did noble work in saving the handsome new blocks recently completed by V. V. Pursell and W. F. Straw.
     Those burned out are as follows:  John Brewer, building occupied downstairs by an Italian fruit store and upstairs by Mr. Brewer as a residence; C. A. Brewer, ice house and cold storage building; John  Brewer, saloon and dwelling; W. F. Straw, frame building occupied by W. A. Savage's grocery and upstairs by the G. A. R., S. O. V., W. R. C. and A. O. U. W.; J. P. Gasser , two story frame building, occupied by J. C. Coupland's grocery and U. V. U.; V. V. Pursell, two story frame structure, occupied by the postoffice and Ben Tapsico's barber shop; V. V. Pursell, two store frame, occupied by A. G. Snow's drug store and Winter Bros., photographers; V. V. Pursell, one-story frame, occupied by T. B. Roger's barber shop; G. Barnes, two-story frame, occupied by George Spicer's cigar manufactory and residence, D. W. Young, building, furniture store and residence; J. P. Gasser, building, occupied by the Famous clothing house and merchant tailoring establishment; A. Sibs, boot and shoe store; W. S. Trine, carriage store; L. C. Talbott, barber shop and Frank Windlates, feed store; Cullen & Roberts, building occupied by the Florentine hotel and restaurant, owned by S. L. French; Paulding opera house, owned by Mrs. A. Mann.  South side of Perry street - Betts hotel building, owned by R. B. Reid; Dr. W. H. Montgomery, building occupied by L. A. Keckler as a restaurant and residence; J. E. Dell, building and butcher shop; Alkney block occupied by Dixon Bros.' saloon; Gilbert Barnes, building occupied by Frank Kemler's saloon, P. W. Stumm, law office, and Hixon & Landis, livery stable; J. W. Rice & Company, building, agricultural implements; G. Barnes, building; G. E. Coon's meat market; F. M. Bashore, brick building and hardware stock and F. and A. M. Lodge; R. L. Thompson, brick building, occupied by John Kinsey's saloon and F. G. Huston's insurance agency; Linn & Barnes, brick building, stock of drugs and wall paper; Paulding Deposit bank building and bank fixtures and K. E. Shuster's law office, (it is thought that everything in the bank vault is safe); Allen Bybee, building and stock of harness turf goods; the handsome new Hotel Barnes and part of the fixtures, building owned by Gilbert Barnes and fixtures by H. E. Ferguson.
     It was a very difficult matter to save the county jail which was just across an alley from the Hotel Barnes, but the feat was accomplished, thanks to the Van Wert fire department.  An old landmark in the shape of a residence, occupied by Marshal J. A. Thompson, was totally destroyed with most of the contents.  Dr. P. A. Dix's beautiful new residence was badly scorched by the intense heat.  The Paulding Deposit bank will open up business in the morning in the room recently occupied by the Potter's bank.
     The total loss is estimated at $200k,000, partially insured.
Source: Broad Axe - Minnesota
Dated: Aug. 16, 1894

     A raftsman living at Antwerp, Ohio, dropped a penknife in the Maumee river five years ago, which was found recently by men working along the river.
Source: Jackson Citizen - Michigan
Dated Dec. 1, 1899

Three Suspects Arrested at Antwerp, Ohio
14 Safes in all Have Been Cracked at Brooklyn.
     W. S. Culver, proprietor of the bank at Brooklyn, which was recently robbed was in the city Tuesday, but was unable to give any additional information regarding the crime which startled the village and surrounding country.  He stated, however, the recent robbery was the fifth he had experience since 1882.  Each time his safe was cracked, three times in the store and twice in the bank.  He also made the statement that since he has been in business in the village, not less than 14 safes have been opened by burglars.
     Sheriff Harrington Tuesday received letter from Lem Thorne, a stock farmer near Antwerp, Ohio, which stated a gang of three men had of late been operating in northern Ohio and Indiana and southern Michigan; that on Oct. 31, they killed a deputy sheriff there, and last Friday nigh killed a night watchman at Hicksville, Ohio, that three suspects were under arrest at Antwerp, a description of one of them fitting one of the Brooklyn bank robbers.  The sheriff at once communicated with the marshal at Antwerp regarding his prisoners.  As Deputy Sheriff Strobel is at present in Ohio, he may go to Antwerp to look the men over.
Source:  Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Issue: 134  Page: 6A
Dated: May 14, 1911
State Officials Arrest at Paulding Two Suspects in Fire Near Clarlee, O., April 4.
     TOLEDO, O., May 13 - Henry Steel and John Alto were placed in jail at Paulding today on charges of burglary and arson, growing out of the destruction by fire Apr. 4 of a club house on the river near Charlee, Paulding county, owned by Delphos men.
     The arrests were made by Deputy State Fire Marshal Dundon, following a search of the men's homes.  The officers say they found articles identified as belonging to the Delphos men.
     Steel and Alto were held under bonds of $200 each.  The club house was owned by George M. Leasure, W. J. Alexander, Gurney Searles, M. E. Brundage and J. K. Williams of Delphos.
Source: Fort Wayne News Sentinel - Indiana
Dated: April 21, 1918

     Antwerp Boy in Big Battle
     (Special to the News)
     ANTWERP, Ohio, Aug. 21 - Frank Wilson, a member of the headquarters company, 166th infantry with the Rainbow division, has written to his parents that he has been in the worst of the big battles being waged in France.  He also sent home a piece of a German airplane brought down in the sector.
Source: Fort Wayne News Sentinel - Indiana
Dated: April 23, 1918
(Special to the News)
     ANTWERP, Ohio - April 23 - Pupils in the schools here staged a big demonstration when they gathered all the German text books used in the school and took them to Main and Franklin streets, where they built a bonfire and burned them.  After they had completed their work the gollowing sign was placed on top of the ashes:  "This is where German books belonging to the high school were burned."  At the recent meeting of the school board and high school factulty it was decided after consulting with the graduating class not to abolish the study of German this term, but that next term the language would not be taught.
Source: Fort Wayne News Sentinel - Indiana
Dated: May 6, 1918

ANTWERP BOY to be Decorated for Bravery
Elmer Ward Swan.
(Special to the News)
Elmer Ward Swan
     ANTWERP, Ohio, May 4 - Elmer Ward Swan, of the Rainbow division, has been cited for a French medal for bravery.  While in the front line French volunteers were asked to go out in No Man's Land and capture or silence what they thought was a German sniper concealed in a shell hole.  Ward was the first to volunteer and in crawling out discovered A French soldier who had been wounded.  He had been in the shell hole all night and was nearly frozen.  Ward assisted him to an American trench amid a rain of German shells.
Source: Fort Wayne News Sentinel - Indiana
Dated May 11, 1918

(Special to the News)
     ANTWERP, OHIO, May 11 - Word has been received here that Frank Champion , a former resident of Antwerp, had shot his wife and then committed suicide at their home in Pasadena, California.  Mrs. Champion was killed instantly.  Domestic trouble is given as the cause.  They had not lived together for some time.  Champion was engaged in railroad work in the west.
Source: Fort Wayne News Sentinel - Indiana
Dated: May 28, 1918

(Special to the News)
     ANTWERP, Ohio, May 28 - Three boys of this section, sons of well-to-do farmers, have been arrested, charged with passing forged checks, the aggregate amount being in the neighborhood of $150.  The checks were all drawn on John H. Chester, county representative, and were on a Paulding bank.
     It is said that the boys have been passing worthless checks for several weeks.  In trying to pass a check at the same place twice their game was discovered and led to their arrests.  They are Clarence Sessler, Paul Heinold and Frank Saum, aged 16 to 18 years.  After a preliminary hearing they were remanded to jail to await the action of the grand jury, which convenes Thursday.  Frank Saum was placed under $1,000 bond, his father acting as security.
Source: Fort Wayne News Sentinel - Indiana
Dated: August 3, 1918
New Marshal at Antwerp
(Special to the News)
     ANTWERP, Ohio, Aug. 3 - The city council ahs appointed George Jordan city marshal to succeed F. O. Perry, who has resigned.
Source: Fort Wayne News Sentinel - Indiana
Dated: Aug. 27, 1918

     ANTWERP, Ohio, Aug. 27 - The Lewis Smith family held a family reunion at Hamilton lake Sunday, a picnic dinner being a feature.  The gathering was the first family reunion in several years.  Those present were: Mrs. and Mrs. Lewis Smith, Miss Abby Smith, Miss Minnie Smith, Carl Smith, wife and sons Max and Carl; Thomas Carr, wife and son Lyle and baby Maxine; Henry Smith and sons Walter, Rudolph and Harry and daughter Stella, of Ney, Ohio; Earl Birkhold, wife and son Layton of Payne, Ohio, Harry Craven, wife and son Bob, of Cleveland, Ohio; John Fisher, wife and sons Harold, Phil and Roby, and S. A. Creven, of Defiance.
Source: Fort Wayne News Sentinel - Indiana
Dated Sept. 30, 1918

     Harry Busby, of Lima, Ohio, was a visitor here Thursday and Friday, the guest of his father, G. W. Busby and wife and other relatives . . J. H. Finley, of Paulding, was an Antwerp visitor Wednesday, looking after business for a Realty company.
.... Mrs. Orley Duval west to Fort Wayne Thursday, where she spent the day with her sister, Mrs. F. Yager and family... Dr. D. S. Merchant, accompanied by his wife were visitors at Woodburn Friday, where the doctor attended to dental work .....Mrs. F. E. Pocock went to Fort Wayne Wednesday, where she spent the day visiting . . . Clyde Goshhorn, employed at the General Electric works.  Fort Wayne, was home a few days this week, due to illness . . . Due to the continued illness of her mother, Miss Gertrude Banks was home several days this week.   She is slightly better . . . Mrs. R. Baumley and son, Norbert, were Fort Wayne visitors Friday, where they remained during the day, the guests of her aunt, Mrs. L. D. Wilson and family . . . Mrs. Emma Diehl was a passenger to Fort Wayne Friday, where she spent the day . . . Daniel Sweet left for Anderson, Ind.  Friday, in response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of the daughter, Mrs. Minnie Hawthorne . . . . Mrs Melinda Sprurrer, of Fort Wayne, is visiting here this week, the guest of her niece, Mrs. Edward Longberry and family and other relatives . . . W. R. Cromley, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Traylor, enjoyed an auto trip to Defiance, Friday, where they remained a day, the guests of relatives . . . Work of "lifting" beets has commenced in the Antwerp field this week, and the Columbia Sugar company expects to commence shipping beets to the factory from here early next week . . . Mrs. H. E. Deemer was called here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Clifplaceford Reeb, held Friday last.  After a few days' visit with friends at this place, her former home, she returned to Fremont Friday . . . Miss Hazel Stainfield has taken a position in a local studio as assistant . . . Mrs. Arthur Fields and little son, Marshal J. went to Toledo Friday for a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. Clyde Stanger, and family . . . Mrs. Elizabeth Clutts went to Knoxdale Friday where she will visit her niece, Mrs. George Gordon, and family.  She was accompanied by Mrs. J. F.  Johnson, who will visit in the home of her sister, Mrs. Oliver Bissell, and family.
Source: Fort Wayne NEws Sentinel - Indiana
Dated July 19, 1919

     ANTWERP, Ohio - July 19 - The newly organized Antwerp Reds will go to Paulding Sunday, where they will make an effort to annex the sccalp of the Paulding contingent.   Joseph Carr will do the twirling for Antwerp.
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated November 14, 1920

Burgomaster of Antwerp Lands America in Letter to Oio City's Chief Executive.
(Special to the Plain Dealer)
     FREMONT, Nov. 13 - Acknowledgement of the gift of an American flag to the city of Antwerp by Mayor Harry S. Day, of Fremont, has been received from Jade Votz, burgomaster by the mayor.  The flag was taken to Antwerp by Madam Brand, formerly of Fremont, now a resident of that city upon her return after a visit here.
     The burgomaster writes as follows:  "My dear Lord-mayor. - I have received the flag presented by you to the city of Antwerp and have ordered its transfer to our museum, 'Steen.'  Our city is proud to be in possession of the colors to which once rallied the citizens of the proud American republic, entering into the great struggle to defend her ideals of honor and freedom and to succor our own little country.
     "Amidst all the sorrows which war has brought, the fact that your countrymen were prepared to offer all - and did so - to secure also to others the blessings of peace and liberty, stands out as a bright hope for the future of humanity.  This will be the lesson your flag will teach to all those, Belgians and foreigners, who visit our museum."
Source: Fort Wayne News Sentinel
Dated: Jul. 6, 1921

Old Timer Visits Antwerp
(Special to the News)
     ANTWERP, Ohio, July 6 - Henry George, an old time Antwerp boy, who has not been here for 2_ years, was visiting with old friends Sunday and Monday.  He is now located in St. Louis and is in business for himself as an expert accountant.
     Joseph Rumbaugh, whose boyhood days were spent in Antwerp, visited all friends here Monday after a 20 years' absence.  HE is now located at Danville, Ill.




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