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Mercer County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)


and Representative Citizens
Edited and compiled by Hon. S. S. Scranton, Celina, Ohio
Published by Biographical Publishing Co.
Chicago, Illinois



  AUGUST ONTROP, a prosperous farmer of Washington township residing on his well-improved and highly cultivated farm of 216 acres, located in section 34, was born May 25, 1849, m Walstedde, Westphalia, Prussia, Germany, and is a son of Matthias and Christina (Kappenberg) Ontrop, both of swhom died in Germany.
     August Ontrop was the youngest of a family of eight children, and grew to manhood on his father's farm in Germany. At the age of 20 years he enlisted in the German Army and served two years and eight months in the Franco-Prussian War under General Werder, participating in the battles of Strasburg, Schledstadt and New Breisag, passing through all these engagements without receiving an injury. After the war he returned to his father's home, where he remained for about eight months, after which he emigrated to America, leaving his home April 16, 1873, and landed in New York City in the latter part of the same month. He immediately came to Mercer County, where he worked for two years on the farm which he now owns. His brother Anthony came to this country in 1874 and also came to Mercer County and located in Washington township with our subject. Anthony Ontrop married Theresia Tiggeman, who died in 1892; they had six children: August, deceased; Aloys, deceased; Henry; Stephen; Katie;
and August M. In 1875 August Ontrop and his brother Anthony bought the farm where they had been working and engaged extensively in agricultural operations, carrying on mixed farming. Anthony Ontrop died September 17, 1905, and since his death our subject has been living on the farm with his niece and nephew. Mr. Ontrop has made the greater part of the improvements on the farm, erecting a large frame house and all the other buildings with the exception of the old barn, which was erected by the former owner and still stands.
     Mr. Ontrop is a member of St. Peter's Catholic Church in Recovery township, four miles north of Fort Recovery.
Source: History of Mercer County, Ohio and Representative Citizens - Edited and compiled by Hon. S. S. Scranton, Celina, Ohio - Publ. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Page 632
  WILLIAM A. ORR, who is one of the leading farmers and stock raisers of Hopewell township, residing on his excellent farm of 160 acres situated in section 13, was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, Oct. 17, 1847, and is a son of Jackson and Rebecca (Baker) Orr.
     The Orr family is of Scotch Irish extraction. The Baker family originated in Germany. Jackson Orr was born in Hocking County, Ohio, and his wife in Washington County, Maryland. They were very early settlers in Fairfield County, locating there when little clearing had been done and Indians were still often encountered. In 1849 Jackson Orr and family removed to Mercer County, where they again found pioneer conditions, and settled a second time in the woods, their home being a log cabin and their nearest neighbors many miles away. They lived in Hopewell township until 1869, when they removed to Celina, where Jackson Orr died in the same year, and was survived by his widow until 1907. In their passing this section lost two of its most estimable people, who were true pioneers, hospitable, thrifty and worthy of remembrance. They were among the founders of the Methodist Episcopal Church in their neighborhood. Of their six children, the following five survive: Sarah F., a resident of Van Wert, Ohio, who is the widow of William H. Brookhart, formerly of Kenton, Ohio; William A.; George, who resides in Mercer County; John, who resides at Wabash; Samaria, deceased; and Albert, who resides at Cincinnati.
     William A. Orr was reared and educated in Hopewell township, where his life has been passed, engaged in agricultural pursuits. At one time he engaged quite extensively in the buying and selling of cattle and other stock and was well known in the business. Politically he is a Republican.
     On Nov. 13, 1870, Mr. Orr was married to Sarah M. Petrie, born in Jefferson township, Mercer County, Ohio, on May 13, 1853, a daughter of George and Sarah (Wilds) Petrie. Her mother was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, and died in 1862. The father was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and long was a resident of Jefferson township, Mercer County, where he settled as a pioneer in 1842. He was one of the trustees of the township and later was a member of the Board of Infirmary Directors. In his 87th year, he now resides at Celina, one of the most venerable men in the county. He has been twice married and the children who survive are as follows: William, of Jefferson township; Mary, widow of William Houser, of Celina, now residing at Los Angeles, California; John B., of Celina; Sarah A.; Joseph C., of Mercer County; Thomas E., of Marion, Indiana; Broad F., of Utah; and George A., of Celina.
     Mr. and Mrs. Orr have had six children, namely: Edward S., residing at Celina; Frank F., residing in Hopewell township; Charles E., a successful teacher at Celina; Mary B., wife of Charles F. Raach, residing at Canton, Ohio; and Lela M., at home. Mrs. Orr is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Source: History of Mercer County, Ohio and Representative Citizens - Edited and compiled by Hon. S. S. Scranton, Celina, Ohio - Publ. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Page 317

Source: History of Mercer County, Ohio and Representative Citizens - Edited and compiled by Hon. S. S. Scranton, Celina, Ohio - Publ. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Page 367

  ANTON OVERMAN, who resides on the farm adjoining the one on which he was born May 6, 1849, owns 8 acres in section 34, Marion township, and is a son of Henry and Agnes (Bockman) Overman.
     The parents of Mr. Overman, who were natives of Germany, were married at Cincinnati, Ohio. They resided for some years in that city and then removed, in 1837, to Marion township, Mercer County, where the father bought 80 acres of land from the government, for which he paid $1.25 per acre. Later he purchased another tract of 80 acres from Henry Hoosman, which is the property now owned by our subject and on which he resides. Both parents died on this farm, old and respected residents of the community. They had one child born during their stay at Cincinnati, Mary, who is the widow of Henry Reichert. The others were born on the farm, as follows: Henry, deceased; Bernard; Caroline; Anton, of this sketch; Elizabeth; John; Agnes, deceased; and Frederick Joseph, deceased.
     Anton Overman was reared on the home farm, attending the district schools in his youth and following the life of a farmer from choice. In 1870 he bought his present fine property from his father and has put it into fine shape; here he carries on a general line of agriculture and is recognized as one of the representative farmers of the township. He has been a member of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company for several years, of which period he has been director two years; he has been an agent for the past 10 years.
     Mr. Overman was married (first) in June, 1874, to Mary Barnard, a daughter of Leon Barnard, who was a. native of Germany but who had settled in Mercer County before the birth of Mrs. Overman. She died March 25, 1881, the mother of two children, John and Frederick, the latter of whom is deceased.  Mr. Overman was married (second) to Catherine Mader, a daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Bauman) Mader, both of whom were born in Germany and were married at Liverpool, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Mader had eight children, namely: Robert, Joseph, Anton, John, Frank, Josephine, (wife of B. Beckmeyer), Mary (wife of David Roesher) and Catherine (Mrs. Overman).
     Mr. and Mrs. Overman have had seven children, namely: Emma (deceased), Clara, Anna, Louis, Elnora, Frank and Agnes. Mr. Overman and family belong to St. John's Catholic Church. He is also a member of St. Joseph's Society. Mr. Overman has not taken any active part in politics, contenting himself mainly with voting for the candidate who, in his opinion, will best work for good government.
Source: History of Mercer County, Ohio and Representative Citizens - Edited and compiled by Hon. S. S. Scranton, Celina, Ohio - Publ. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Page 721
  BERNARD OVERMAN, one of the leading citizens and successful agriculturists of Marion township, residing on his excellent farm of 80 acres located in section 3, has been identified with the affairs of this locality all his life, as he was born on this farm of Mar. 8, 1843.  His parents were Henry and Agnes (Bockman) Overman.
     Both parents of Mr. Overman were born in Germany, but they met and were married at Cincinnati, Ohio, which city remained their home for some five years.  During the summers of this period, Henry Overman found work in Cincinnati and during the winters he was employed in the South.  In 1837 the family came to Mercer County, where they father bought 80 acres of government land, paying $1.25 per acre for the same; the land office was situated at that time at Lima, where he had to make his entry.  Later he bought of John Linder the 80 acres in Marion township, which now constitutes our subject's farm, and bilt a rough log cabin in a little clearing.  This land he practically cleared by himself.  Our subject can remember when the country was still so wild that packs of wolves, some 40 or 50 in number, with other wild animals roamed through the surrounding forest.  So rapidly, however, did the country become settled that by the time he was old enough to hunt, there were 10 hunters to one wolf.
     One child was born to the parents of our subject in Cincinnati - Mary, who is the widow of Henry Reichert  Eight more were born on the homestead farm in Marion township, as follows:  Henry who died aged 21 years; Bernard, the subject of this sketch; Caroline who married John Brachman one of the pioneer settlers of Mercer County; Anton who married (first) Mary Bernard and (second) Catherine Mader; Elizabeth, who married Henry Gottemoller of St. Henry; John, who married Elizabeth Mescher; Agnes, deceased who was the wife of Benjamin Miller; and Frederick Joseph, who died aged 21 years.  The father of this family died on the home farm on Mar. 8, 1876, and the mother on May 6, 1904.  They were honest, worthy, upright people who were respected and esteemed by all who knew them.  Their early lives were full of toil but they lived to be able to enjoy some fruits of their labor.
     Bernard Overman was reared on the home farm, where he remained until his marriage in 1867, when he worked as a carpenter both Cincinnati and Dayton.  In June, 1867, he purchased his farm from his father and he has made all the excellent improvements here, including the building of his large frame residence, his substantial barns and other farm buildings.  His place is kept in excellent repair and presents the appearance of a comfortable rural home.  Mr. Overman carries on general farming and raises some stock.
     On May 14, 1867, Mr. Overman was married to Anna Goke, a daughter of George Goke who was a native of Germany.  Mrs. Overman died Jan. 2, 1881, having had six children, as follows:  Agnes, who married (first) Henry Lauger, who died leaving five children, and married (second) George Buning - they live in Auglaize County; Antony, who married Mollie Underbrink and lives at Ottawa, Ohio; Mary and Elizabeth, who died on the same day; Joseph, who died in young manhood, and John, who died at the age of 22 years.
     Mr. Overman was married (second) on Sept. 26, 1882, to Bernardina Brinckman, who was born in Germany, being a daughter of Arnold and Elizabeth (Vessels) Brinckman, now deceased, who never came to America.  There were five children in the Brinckman family, namely:  Maria, who married Herman Vorman and died in Germany; Bernardina; Margaret, who married Fred Schultz and lives in New York; Caroline, who married Dick Budde and lives at St. Marys' and Elizabeth, who married Fred Felthouse, and lives in Germany.  Mrs. Overman is a very intelligent lady and is well educated in the German language.  She came to America in 1881.
     Mr. and Mrs. Overman have had five children, namely:  Elizabeth, who married Joseph Gahle; Anna, who died aged six years; Leo, born Aug. 7, 1891; and Josephine and Aloys, who died in infancy.
     Mr. Overman and family belong to St. John's Catholic Church.  He is one of the prominent members of the church and was a trustee during the years of its construction.  He has taken an active interest in township affairs and was elected township trustee during two terms, has also been school director and clerk of District No. 5.  Mr. Overman is a man of high standing in his community and is looked upon as one of its representative men.
Source: History of Mercer County, Ohio and Representative Citizens - Edited and compiled by Hon. S. S. Scranton, Celina, Ohio - Publ. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Page 714




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